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In celebration of the end of Ramadan, it is traditional for elder family members to give gratefully received gifts to younger children in the family. Eid gifts for children are often reflective of the season.....
Income generating projects helps a person to stand on his own feet and become self sufficient. it help families secure much needed income with which to buy necessary food and medicines etc. Abul Hasan Ali Educational .....
Hunger is a major problem affecting hundreds of millions across the world. Even where famine is not the immediate cause, the grinding poverty that characterizes many parts of the world leads to malnutrition.....
The religion of Islam preaches about equality and fairness. No human being is superior to another.All men are created equal was the message with every individual born to the same rights as any other person. The right .....
Allah has conferred a great favour upon this Ummah by allowing His servants to memorise the Noble Qur’an. Previous nations were unable to memorise their scriptures, yet millions of Muslims, young and old, have memorised .....
Shelter is a basic right of man, yet one in six people still lives in slums. At least one hundred million have no home whatsoever.In areas in need of emergency relief, where houses have either been destroyed or damaged, Abul.....