Feed A Family / Food Aid Programme

Feed A Family
Food Aid Programme

It is not becoming of a Muslim to sleep on a full stomach whilst those around him (his neighbors) go hungry. [al-Hakim]

Hunger is a major problem affecting hundreds of millions across the world. Even where famine is not the immediate cause, the grinding poverty that characterizes many parts of the world leads to malnutrition, illness, and in the worst cases, death.

Most people who battle hunger deal with chronic undernourishment and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which result in stunted growth, weakness and heightened susceptibility to illness.

Countries in which a large portion of the population battles hunger are usually poor and lack the social safety nets we enjoy, such as soup kitchens, food stamps, and job training programmes. When a family cannot grow enough food or earn enough money to buy food, there is nowhere to turn for help.

Abul Hasan Ali Educational & Welfare Trust provides emergency food packages (costing Rs. 1200.00) which are composed of a variety of staple foodstuffs. These are usually distributed in areas which are in need of emergency relief as well as in abnormally poor areas.

Note: Donors are provided with the photograph of the needy being provided food packages . so you can be assured that your money has been used in a right path.

Please click on DONATE NOW and complete donation process.

We are served since more than 20 years
to helpless people with trust and
we are happy

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